What is Separation Anxiety?

My title in itself is questionable but it has been chosen as most people recognise the term. Separation behaviours are those that happen only when your dog is alone or away from a special someone. They could be due to fear, panic or frustration.

The ONLY way to find out is with the support of a specialist

The internet is full of misinformation that can make things worse and owners who are already struggling having to give up their dog or leaving the dog in a shut down state all day. With an accurate idea of why the dog is displaying these behaviours and the experienced, qualified guidance of a professional there is hope!

Did you know?

97% of pandemic puppies have behaviour issues of some description? - You are not alone

When a pup is alone in the wild there is a high chance of death? - Your dog is not naughty, just acting on it's instincts

Leaving a dog to cry it out can make the behaviours escalate or your dog completely shut down - Let's stop it in its tracks


Why choose me to support you?

Personal experience

I have owned rescues throughout my life and have had to work through separation behaviours often. 

I have a dog now that I am working through it with and understand the feelings of being trapped and just wanting it fixed.

I have completed specialist training to make me one of the most up to date and best trained specialists available.

I have plenty of other training, education and experience related to dog behaviour and training. 

I will be with you every step of the way.

If I'm not with clients, I'm catching up on new research or undertaking new courses to make sure I am always putting the dog first.